In addition to completing core general education requirements, the program allows the student to select additional general education, pre-major, and elective courses in consultation with the targeted 4-year program to which they are seeking to transfer. The North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) is a statewide agreement governing the transfer of credits between NC community colleges and NC public universities and has as its objective the smooth transfer of students. A number of private 4-year colleges and universities in North Carolina also subscribed to the CAA. The CAA provides certain assurances to the transferring student; for example:

  • Assures admission to one of the 16 UNC institutions (Transfer Assured Admissions Policy)
  • Enables NC community college graduates of two- year Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degree programs who are admitted to constituent institutions of the University of NC to transfer with junior status.
  • Students are able to meet general education requirements at the 4-year institutions by completing selected pre-approved Universal General Education Transfer Core courses (UGETC)


Click and download the Associate in Arts Program Planning Guides for course requirements and suggested sequencing.

Associate in Arts (A10100)