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Discover majors and in-demand careers and education based on your interests! Free to PCC students, alumni and community members | View employment Opportunities | Build your resume | Take career assessment | Browse careers and programs of study | Sign up today! Piedmont Community College |
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Electical Academy | Free Tuition & Textbooks | Academy begins March 10 | Visit for additional details. Earn $750 upon completion | Piedmont Community College  | | (336) 322-2160
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PCC offers the same education as nearby state universities for a fraction of the cost. Our smaller class sizes and engaging instructors, along with free tutoring, scholarship opportunities, student activities, and internships, will make your higher education a successful and rewarding experience!

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Total scholarships awarded in 2023

A Lifelong Relationship

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Artwork of a bird on a limb

PCC Faculty Member and PCC Alumna Join Forces to Organize Conference at Duke

While it may seem uncommon for someone with a doctorate degree to team up with an undergraduate student to organize a conference at Duke University, Piedmont Community College (PCC) English  more

Collage of students from different departments and two graduate students.