Keep The P.A.C.E – Personalized Advising for Career Excellence

What is the Quality Enhancement Plan?

Every ten years, colleges accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) go through a process for reaffirmation of accreditation. For accreditation purposes, SACSCOC requires colleges and universities to engage in a broad-based self-study and discovery process to identify and become involved in a “plan” that will enhance overall student learning and/or learning environment at the institution. This Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) is a five-year project that should become part of the college’s culture.

What is PCC’s Plan?

Piedmont Community College’s QEP, Keep The PACE, addresses how to improve student success by implementing a centralized and proactive advising model which anticipates student challenges and provides targeted interventions from the point of application to graduation.

Identifying Key Issues

PCC’s faculty, staff, students, administrators, and community, reviewed the institutional data and engaged in discussion groups, listening forums, and surveys to identify topics aligned with the College’s strategic plan. While a number of issues emerged during this phase, of most concern to faculty and staff were the challenges around centralized advising.

Keep the PACE narrative (revised)

Roy Allen
Dean, Public Safety and Human Services

Dr. Barbara Buchanan
Vice President, Instruction

Lisa Cooley
Assistant to the President/Faculty

Dr. Michele Mathis
Director, Office of Research and Institutional Effectiveness

Beverly Murphy
Vice President, Administrative Services/CFO

Kathy Oakley
Coordinator/Instructor, Human Services

Sandy Parker
Administrative Assistant, Vice President, Advancement & Communications

Dr. Shelly Stone-Moye
Vice President, Student Development

Elizabeth Townsend
Vice President, Advancement & Communications

Tasha Williams
Dean, Enrollment Services