Interested students can apply during the application period. In addition, their grade point average, leadership potential, and communication skills will be considered. Watch your student email for the next opportunity to apply!

For their service to the College, the PCC Foundation will give each Ambassador the following:

  • Scholarship in the amount of $2,000 ($1,000 for fall, $1,000 for spring)
  • Two polo style shirts (one short sleeve and one long sleeve) 
  • Name tag

Some of the services the Ambassadors might provide include giving campus tours, hosting campus activities, recruiting students, speaking to community groups and agencies, assisting with Foundation activities, assisting with registration and orientation, assisting with student activities, and welcoming groups to the campus. Ambassadors would be expected to perform these services in both the day and evening hours.


Students must meet the following criteria:

  • Students must have a cumulative 3.0 grade point average or above (for curriculum programs) or a grade of B or higher (for continuing education programs)
  • Students must be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours/semester if in a curriculum program or a continuing education program of at least 144 contact hours
  • Students must have a good standing in the community and the institution
  • Students must be willing to complete each semester of service
  • Students must have the ability to complete service hours each semester
  • Students must ask for two reference letters (one must be from a faculty/staff member) to be emailed to the foundation ( by the application deadline

Review Process

  • A Selection Committee made up of PCC faculty and staff members will review applications and interview the top candidates.

The acceptance by a student for the Ambassador’s Program will supersede any other scholarship awarded by the Piedmont Community College Foundation for the same academic year.

Ambassadors will be excluded from further participation in the program if any of the following conditions occur:

  • Enrolled in less than 9 credit hours
  • Loss of good standing within the community or institution
  • Cumulative grade point average of less than 3.0 or a grade of C or lower in a continuing education program
  • Failure to fulfill the standards of the program (including attending meetings, attending a mandatory orientation, and performing service hours)

Learn about other scholarship opportunities here!

2019-20 Student Ambassadors-web.jpg

Ms. Cox is pictured here with scholarship recipient Crystal Peacock at the PCC Foundation Celebration held last November. Crystal was awarded the Jack and Mabel Moore Hester Scholarship Endowment and CJ and Vera Moore White Scholarship Endowment in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Scholarship recipient with donor Ms. Cox.