This Q&A is part of a four-part series that focuses on women pursuing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) careers. Each Friday in November a new Q&A will be released.

Emma Bowes is pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering at NC State University (NCSU). She graduated from PCC in 2023 with an associate in science degree as a Career and College Promise student.

What inspired you to pursue a career in STEM?

I have always enjoyed doing math and while taking Drafting at Person High School, I decided to do Civil Engineering.

How did your time at PCC prepare you for your future career?

My time at PCC helped prepare me for my future here at NCSU by getting me accustomed to college life a little bit before I got to a big university. While taking classes at PCC to get my associate’s degree, I learned more about what professors expect from you as a student than what I learned in high school.

What advice would you give to women interested in pursuing STEM careers?

Advice that I would give to women who are interested in going into the STEM field is never to give up. STEM is challenging whether you are a man or a woman, so keep fighting and working as hard as you can because it will all pay off in the long run.

What challenges have you faced as a woman in STEM, and how have you overcome them?

Some challenges that I have faced as a woman in STEM are being the only female in the class and having to prove myself worthy enough to the guys in my groups. Challenges come up every day as a woman in STEM, easy and hard, and they all have to be tackled whether I want to or not. I have overcome the challenge of proving myself by showing that I can do the work just like they can and not letting them look at me like I am different from them.

Are there any misconceptions people have about women in STEM? If so, how can they be addressed?

A misconception that some people may have about women in STEM is that all women are the same and work the same. This is not at all true, I have met so many people in my classes who are completely opposite of each other and myself. I love to work outside, be hands-on and get dirty while I have met others who could care less about doing that and just want to be behind a computer. One thing that is the same is that all women in STEM want to work and will work hard to get what they want.

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