The Title IX Coordinator may be contacted in any of the following ways:
- Direct meeting with the Title IX Coordinator, Building E, Room 146;
- Email:;
- Phone: (336) 322-2163.
To be classified as a Title IX complaint, the following criteria must be met:
- The incident occurred within an educational or employment program or activity in the United States where the College exerts substantial control over the program/activity;
- The complaint must be filed by a qualifying complainant;
- The complaint pertains to sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, parenting, or pregnancy-related incidences.
Confidential Resources:
For Students:
PCC Counseling Department – Unless otherwise posted, the counseling department hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, and is located in Building E. Students may also make an appointment to meet with a counselor at other times by contacting:
- Karl Sears (336) 322-2243 or at
- Bernadette Ragland-Bailey (336) 322-2174 or at
Also available is the McLaughlin Young Student Assistance Program (SAP) & Work Life Services. Help is available 24/7/365 at 1-800-633-3353.Additional services are also available online:
- Username: pacer50
- Password: guest
For Employees:
- Director, Human Resources, Tina Lawrence (336) 322-2120 or
Also available is BHS. BHS provides employees and their household members with free support. Help is available 24/7 at (800) 326-3864 or (800) 327-2251. Additional services are also available online
- Username: PCC
- Password: <a password is not required>
Complaints that do not meet the criteria in Section 1c will be handled through one of the College’s other grievance processes.
- Students should refer to Policy 7.12 Student Grievance Process for information specific to non-Title IX complaints;
- Employees should refer to Policies 2.3 Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Plan, 2.17 Unlawful Harassment, 2.18 Sexual Assault, and/or Policy 5.20 Employee Grievance Procedure for information specific to complaints involving employees.
Title IX Coordinator Response upon Receiving a Report of Sexual Discrimination
On receiving a report, the Title IX Coordinator will, within ten (10) days of receipt:
- Contact the complainant, i.e., the alleged victim (if that person can be identified);
- Offer the complainant Supportive Measures;
- Explain the process of filing a formal complaint;
- Explain the entire Title IX process (develop a checklist/form to cover topics to discuss with complainant);
- Explain that Supportive Measures can be available with or without a formal complaint;
- Contact the respondent, who must also be offered Supportive Measures;
- Consider the complainant’s and the respondent’s wishes with regard to Supportive Measures;
- If Supportive Measures are refused by the complainant or respondent, the Title IX Coordinator must document why s/he did not provide a complainant with Supportive Measures.
Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator will, within fifteen (15) days of receipt:
- Send written notice to both parties (complainants and respondents) of the allegations;
- Assign an Investigator to investigate the allegations.
The Title IX Coordinator may initiate the complaint process if s/he believes a non-deliberately indifferent response to the allegations requires an investigation. Note: If proceeding against the wishes of the complainant, the Title IX Coordinator should do so thoughtfully, not automatically, and written documentation of the decision to proceed or not to proceed should be generated and retained.