
Piedmont Community College’s EMS Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Education Programs for the EMS Professions (CoAEMSP).

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
9355 – 113th Street, N. #7709
Seminole, FL 33775

Committee on Accreditation for Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP)

8301 Lakeview Parkway, Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX 75088 
(214) 703-8445
FAX (214) 703-8992

Paramedic Program Outcomes 20212022

No graduates during the 2023 reporting year.

  Technical Standards for Paramedics Occupational Risks for Paramedics


EMT/ Paramedic Re-certification

Piedmont Community College has developed an effective procedure for re-certification.

A scope of practice examination and a review paperwork for the hours needed to re-certify are held on the first week of each month from 2 pm to 5 pm. Call for an appointment (336) 694-8052 and to request your transcripts.

A review of your continuing education record will be made to determine if you have enough hours. If you do not, you will have until your expiration date to complete them.

Please come within three months of when your certification expires. Doing so will help assure that you have completed all hours needed to re-certify in advance of your expiration date.


EMS 4502Instructor MethodologyOnline10/7/2412/1/24
EMS 3200PEPPCaswell12/4/2412/5/24

Scholarships are available.

Contact PCC Foundation for more information.
Gary Davis EMS Scholarship
Bryant Gladney Paramedic Education Scholarship
North Carolina Association Rescue & EMS Scholarship

Please note that many courses are fee waived for eligible personnel. In the case that a course is not fee waived, PCC is proud to note that Continuing Education courses do not require out-of-state registration fees. Contact the appropriate program director for more information.


EMT – 3 hour Continuing Education (Blackboard)
December 2023 Online Pediatrics
January 2024 Online Environmental Emergencies
February 2024 Online Cardiology
March 2024 Online Trauma – Head / Spine
April 2024 Online Respiratory Emergencies
May 2024 Online Scene Safety

Con Ed courses are held at local fire departments as well. Schedules vary.

Printable Schedule:
EMT Continuing Education Schedule

To Register:
Caswell County Classes
Person County Classes

Process for Admissions


  • Possession of a valid and active North Carolina EMT Credential, NREMT or other states EMS
    Credential prior to the start of the clinical or field component. All students must start
    clinical/field at the same time, staggered start dates will not be accepted.
  • High school diploma or high school equivalency. If an Institution is presented with documents
    that the Institutions Advisors, Counselors or Registrar will accept as an equivalent (Home School,
    International schooling, etc.) then there must be some form of documentation placed into the
    students file acknowledging acceptance of same.
  • Successful completion of college-level English, or within the previous 12 months complete a written assessment placing the individual into college-level English. Placement by RISE without the use of a written assessment will not meet this requirement.
  • Successful completion of college-level Math, or within the previous 12 months complete a written assessment placing the individual into college-level Math. Placement by RISE without the use of a written assessment will not meet this requirement.
  • Proof of successful completion of BIO 163 or BIO 168 and BIO 169. OR the student can show a plan to take BIO 163 while in the Paramedic program.
  • Diploma and certificate admission requirements may vary. Contact the Admissions Office for details.
  • An interview with the lead instructor to review requirements of course and answer all questions.
  • A letter of interest – accepted topics include: why they want to be a paramedic, why they chose Piedmont Community College, or the journey they have taken in the life of emergency medicine.
  • Committee review of student to determine if they meet the criteria to be in the paramedic program.


  • 17 years of age on or before the official end date of the course.
  • Possession of a high school diploma, high school equivalency or successful completion of an exam assessing basic reading comprehension skills at a minimum at the eleventh-grade level.


  • 17 years of age on or before the official end date of the course.
  • Possession of a high school diploma, high school equivalency or successful completion of an exam assessing basic reading comprehension skills at a minimum at the tenth-grade level.